Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ | July 7, 2019 | Rev. Nathan Athorp, Director of Pilgrim Camp
Attempt to meet people where they are, even when the wolves are breathing down your neck.

It Isn't JUST About Winning... | July 14, 2019 | Rick Coles, Worship Leader
We all want to win, but being a Christian is more than just winning. It means helping others, doing your best, being there for someone, keeping your promises, etc.

The BIG Picture | July 21, 2019 | Rev. Jeffrey Dodson's 1st Sunday
We go about our lives, doing the day-to-day things we all do. But every once in awhile do we stop to see the big picture...to be filled with wonder...to sit at the feet of little children and listen to them?
Find the things that fill you with awe and remind yourself why we do life's small things; of why we exist in this place and for what purpose.

Is It Too Much To Ask? | July 28, 2019 | Rev. Jeffrey Dodson
Rev. Jeff tells the story of his father always needing a flashlight and batteries, with him asking, "Is it too much to ask for a flashlight?!" A great way to remind us not to forget to ask God for help when we need it, because Jesus says the Holy Spirit is enough.