Doctrine of Discovery Reparations | May 5, 2019 | Larry Littlegeorge, HoChunk Nation
After spending time learning about the Doctrine of Discovery and its devastating effects on native nations, Larry Littlegeorge of the HoChunk nation talks about how we can move forward.
Isaiah 1:13-17
Matthew 25:31-45
Faith Outside the Box | May 12, 2019 | Reverend Jeffery Dodson, minister candidate
Working with God to build a world of beauty and love, this is the design of creation.
Using our faith outside of the old thinking box, to pursue justice and love kindness. Let's build something amazing!
Confirmation Sunday | May 19, 2019 | Stephen Welch & Confirmands
Listen to our confirmands in the joyful celebration of being confirmed.
Proverbs 3:1-8
Don't Forget to Remember | May 26, 2019 | Pastor Stephen Welch
Many of us have a tendency to forget things. Memories are essential to a meaningful human life. Don't forget our fragile ideals. Be Christ's influence in our community.