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Holy Week at First Congregational
Join us starting this weekend for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday! All are welcome! Children's Easter Egg...
Easter Egg Hunt
Join us after Easter worship for an Easter Egg Hunt. Meet in the Fellowship Hall.
Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Pancake Supper, and a Service of Ashes | Tuesday, February 13, 5-6:00 pm
Join us on Tuesday, February 13 for a Mardi Gras celebration with a pancake supper featuring gluten free and flour pancakes, applesauce,...
Souper Bowl of Caring
Game On! Grab your spices and start cooking! On February 11 We will have a friendly chili competition. Prizes and bragging rights will be...
Fellowship of the Grape
Each month the membership committee helps to provide an opportunity for adults from our church community, to get together informally,...
Called to Care Ministry Training
January 24, 2023 | 9AM | Chapel Join us for this 1 hour training to learn about the process and resources for visiting at-home members of...
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Next Meeting: January 24 | 9:30 AM | Chapel If it has been a while since you picked up a pair of knitting needles, if you are just...
Thanksgiving Dinner
Crossroads Market and First Congregational Church will offer complimentary Thanksgiving Dinners on November 21, 2023- 5:30-6:00 PM. ...
Pies for Sale!
GET YOUR PIES! Support our youth and families attending camp at UCCI, Daycholah Center, Moon Beach, and Cedar Valley! All proceeds go...
Christmas Poinsettias
During the month of December we will decorate our sanctuary with poinsettias. After Christmas Eve, you are welcome to take your plant...
Fall Fest
You are invited to Fall Fest on Sunday, October 29. Start your morning by wearing your Halloween costume to church, after worship head to...
Corn Maze and Pumpkin Carving
On October 14th at 2:00PM, meet at Petals and Plows to enjoy the 18-acre corn maze, pumpkins, mums, hot cider and more! After finding our...
Bake Day
You’re invited to join the membership committee on Thursday, October 12 between 9am and noon for a morning of fellowship in the church...
Blessing of the Backpacks
On September 10, we will celebrate with Rally Sunday. During worship at 10:30, we will celebrate our education ministries and offer a...
10:30 AM Worship Resumes 9/3/23
Beginning September 3, worship will return to 10:30 AM. Be sure to tell your family & friends!
Fellowship of the Grape
Each month the membership committee helps to provide an opportunity for adults from our church community, to get together informally,...
Fall worship at Daycholah Center
Join us for worship at our local UCCI site on Green Lake, October 1. Worship will begin at 10:30 with Communion. Address: W1010 Spring...
First Congo Fall Campout
Saturday, September 30- Sunday, October 1, 2023 at Daycholah Center. Join us for an inter-generational campout! Cook-out over the...
Parent's Night Out
Friday, September 15- 5:30-8:30 PM An evening of activities, food, and games is planned for Friday, September 15, 5:30-8:30 PM. Register...
Rally Sunday- September 10
This Sunday marks the beginning of our new program year! We will celebrate our education ministries during worship and offer a backpack...
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