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Join us on Sundays!

Sunday Worship In-person at 10:30 AM

First Congo Kids 9:00 AM

Fellowship Hour 11:30 AM

Facebook Video Premiere at 4:00 PM (Pre-recorded)

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Thinking about attending our church?  Those that attend our church come from many walks of life: some are life long UCC members, others have been a part of other Protestant denominations, ex-Catholics, and those that are questioning their own faith.  Some of our members have sat in the same pew for years, others sit in a different pew each week.  Babbling babies and active kids are a vibrant part of our worship- they are welcome to sit in our pews and grab a busy bag or head downstairs with our Christian Education staff for extra activities during worship.  Our building is wheelchair accessible, with an elevator in the parking lot entrance.  We have a hearing loop, to assist those with special hearing needs.  We utilize technology by projecting liturgy, and have large printed bulletins for those with special sight needs.  We are recognized as an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ- meaning that we affirm the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and non-binary persons (LGBTQ+) in the church's life and ministry.  We celebrate an open table communion on the first Sunday of each month- meaning that all are welcome to participate in this holy sacrament.

After worship, we gather in our Fellowship Hall for light snacks and coffee.



If you are looking for a special place to celebrate the union of your marriage or a memorial service for your loved one, please contact the church office for further details:  

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